PRP for Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing uses lasers to treat common skin ailments, both medical and aesthetic. The ultimate goal is to improve the look and feel of the skin. Lasers can be used to reduce wrinkles, even-out blemishes, get rid of acne scars and even remove tattoo pigment. They can also help reverse the effects of sun damage and aging. The procedure uses an intense beam of light to help perform this treatment. Laser resurfacing is growing in popularity, in part, because it allows practitioners to treat even delicate areas of the body.

The intensity of lasers and their pulse duration will vary. Because this is the case, skin care professionals are able to vary their treatments based on the particular need of the patient.

At one time, the use of lasers was considered risky. Though they were pretty effective, in the past, they weren’t as precise and the selection not as varied as they are today.  Today, lasers come in a variety of colors and wavelengths. The varying colors and wavelengths serve different purposes and are used in different procedures.

Individuals looking to rejuvenate their skin will find that they have numerous options, with laser resurfacing being one of the newest and most advanced. The laser machine itself is very large, but the laser is emitted from either a small wand or paddle. Either fits comfortably into the dermatologist’s hand. Because a laser is used to resurface the skin rather than a scalpel, the procedure is less invasive than traditional cosmetic surgery.

After a person has made the decision to have a laser resurfacing procedure performed, it is important that they choose a good doctor. The person they choose should have a considerable amount of experience. This is because the complications most commonly associated with laser surfacing can potentially be serious. They can even cause disfigurement.  In order to get the best possible results from a laser treatment, the doctor must be very knowledgeable, technically sound, and experienced. Individuals should always ask to see before and after pictures of the dermatologist’s work prior to agreeing to have the procedure done.

Laser resurfacing can be used to treat a variety of skin “conditions,” among them being fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, raised scars, smoker’s lines, and frown lines. They can even be sued to tighten loose eyelid skin. Laser resurfacing can also improve both the texture and tone of the skin.

Just as there are a variety of conditions in which laser resurfacing can treat, there are a variety of lasers, one of the newest is the Carbon Dioxide laser. This particular laser vaporizes skin tissue, layer by layer, until the smoother, unblemished skin is revealed.  The CO2 laser is a good option in certain cases because there is typically limited scarring. Complications are pretty rare, as long as the laser is used to treat an appropriate patient. Not every patient will make a good candidate for laser resurfacing.

The Erbium laser is another laser. This particular laser is noted for its gentleness. The energy produced in the wavelength can be easily absorbed by water and thus the tissue cells, which are largely made up of water. Dermatologists that use the Erbium laser are able to precisely remove layers of skin without causing damage to the skin surrounding the targeted area.

A dermatologist treating a man or women with light wrinkling, skin discoloration and scars may opt to use the Er:YAG laser. Patients that undergo a procedure with this particular laser generally experience fewer side effects and decreased redness. The recovery time is also typically faster then with other lasers.

Non-Ablative lasers work underneath the layers of the skin. This does a couple of things. It helps to stimulate the growth of collagen and improves skin tone. It is also great for getting rid of fine lines and improving skin damage.

The Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser can be used to remove tattoos. It is effective in removing black and blue colored tattoos. High Power Long-Pulse Nd:YAG lasers are used to remove hair as well as vascular lesions. Not every laser can be used on dark pigmented skin. The High Power Long-Pulse Nd:YAG laser can be.

The Long-Pulsed Nd:YAG laser can also be used to get rid of vascular lesions. It can also be used to treat facial spider veins and broken capillaries. Fractionated lasers, with the Fraxel laser being one of the most popular, are great for treating small areas of the skin, such as the eyes.


Laser resurfacing is a relatively short procedure. It will generally take between 30 minutes and one hour. The larger the area that needs to be resurfaced, the longer it will take. To begin, the doctor or their assistant will rub the patient’s skin with an antibacterial solution. This is done to rid the skin of bacteria. The patient will then be lightly sedated if necessary. In this instance, the patient is not put to sleep but they are very relaxed.  Some patients may be given general anesthesia if a large enough area of the body is being resurfaced. Not every resurfacing treatment will require sedation or general anesthesia. In some instances, only a topical anesthesia is required.

After the skin has been rubbed with the antibacterial solution and they have been sedated, the doctor will wave the laser over the area they wish to treat. The amount of times this is done will vary based on the patient’s skin type, the specific laser being used, and the goal of the dermatologist. Lasers evaporate the top layers of the skin until the undamaged skin emerges.  Following the completion of the procedure, the doctor will either add a synthetic layer of skin or antibiotic cream.


A laser resurfacing treatment isn’t typically painful. Any pain that a person experiences, is generally mild during and after a procedure.  It is important that the patient use ointment to keep the area moist. Surgical bandages may be used for this purpose as well. This will be necessary for at least a few days.

A person’s skin may be pink or crusted after the procedure. During this time, it is important that the individual stay out of the sun. Pain medication may be needed.

Depending on the procedure and a patient’s physical reaction, their face may remain pinkish or a bit discolored for up to a few months. This isn’t true of everyone. Some people’s apperance will go back to normal after only a few days  Women will be able to wear makeup after about one or two weeks.


Serious complications associated with laser resurfacing are rare but they do occur. Pigmentation loss may occur. This is especially true with the use of the C0 2 laser. Swelling, burns, blisters, crusting, infection, brown or red discoloration can occur as well. There is some belief that lasers can awaken dormant viruses in the body, for instance herpes.

To lessen the likelihood that complications occur, it is important that the doctor who will be administering the treatment has extensive experience with laser resurfacing procedures. It is also crucial that the laser being used is appropriate for the person’s skin type.


The cost of laser resurfacing will vary based on the type of treatment a person receives, how many sessions they need and what body part is undergoing the resurfacing treatment. However, in general, the cost of laser resurfacing can range from $1,500 to $6,000.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor

  1. What type of lasers have you worked with in the  past?
  2. How much experience have you had with lasers?
  3. What type of laser do you plan on using on my skin?
  4. Will the procedure be painful?
  5. Will I develop scars?
  6. Am I am a good candidate for laser resurfacing?
  7. Does laser resurfacing tighten saggy facial skin?
  8. Are you board certified?
  9. How long will the procedure take?
  10. What will the recovery process look like?

PRP Treatment For Laser Resurfacing

Patients undergo laser resurfacing to minimize or get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and blemishes. Most laser treatments help to achieve the aforementioned by burning off the top layers of the skin or by causing injury (micro-wounds) to the skin which causes the skin to tighten while it is healing. PRP( platelet rich plasma) therapy can be used with laser resurfacing to increase the chances of a positive outcome.

PRP utilizes the platelets in a patient’s own blood to repair and regenerate new tissue and collagen. It is the growth factors found in the platelets, in large part, that cause the aforementioned. Growth factors help the body develop new and healthy blood vessels. These vessels are very important to the rejuvenation process because they supply the skin with important nutrients.. The end result is skin that is smoother, plumper, resilient, and more youthful in appearance. PRP therapy can be the perfect antidote for aging skin or skin that has been damaged by the elements, especially the sun.

With specific laser resurfacing procedure systems, patients notice that complications can develop that include scarring and excessive redness on the face after treatment. This is where platelet rich plasma can help. As we already know by undergoing a laser resurfacing treatment, tiny microscopic wounds are created to stimulate collagen formation in the skin. They are also created to serve as small conduits to the deep dermis that allows a product like PRP to work. PRP, when applied, uses these micro tunnels to get to the deep dermis to help speed the recovery time for a laser resurfacing procedure. Physicians have proven that when utilizing prp with laser resurfacing, patients find a decrease in redness of the face and quicker healing rates.

PRP therapy is great for people who want to improve their look or would like to physically turn back the clock, without undergoing invasive surgery or injecting foreign substances in their body. While PRP therapy may not provide the exact same look or effect that surgery might, it can easily take 5 to 10 years off a person’s face, all without having to assume many of the risks and costs associated with conventional plastic surgeries.

. There are many such risks associated with laser resurfacing. Some of them are well known. Others are not. Ablative laser resurfacing can cause the following complications: redness, itching, inflammation, infection, acne, ectropion, scarring, blistering, and changes in skin color to name a few. By using prp with this cosmetic procedure, the complication rate can potentially be minimized.

A PRP treatment generally takes between 20 and 30 minutes. To begin, a person is prepped. They may receive a topical anesthesia over the part of the face that will be treated. A nerve block is also sometimes used. A nurse or the doctor performing the procedure, will draw a small amount of blood, typically 20 and 55 cc, which is placed in a vial or test tube. The test tube is placed in a centrifuge machine. This machine will rapidly spin the blood (inside of the test tube) until all of its components are separated. Once they are, the platelets are removed. This concentration of the platelets makes them more potent when injected into the skin. The aforementioned is referred to as whole blood PRP.

If the platelets will be injected into the skin, the doctor will do so. If a person has platelets injected into their face for the purpose of resurfacing, they may experience a mild amount of pain and swelling afterwards but both should subside in short order, generally within 24 hours and oftentimes sooner. It is an outpatient procedure and does not require an overnight stay.

The cost of PRP with resurfacing will vary. The doctor, the location and number of injections will have an effect on the cost. Individuals considering the procedure should discuss the cost with their doctor. He or she will be able to provide an accurate price quote or at least a ball park figure.

PRP injections cost between $500 and $1500. The price of a specific procedure will depend upon the doctor providing the service.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

2.Can I use PRP in conjunction with laser resurfacing?

3.Is PRP safe?

4.What types of side effects will I incur?

5.How much does PRP cost?

6.Will I have to pay for the procedure all at once?

7. What happens if I’m not happy with the results?

8.When should I start seeing results?

9.How long will recovery take?

10.How long have you been administering PRP therapy?