A small or weak chin can be aesthetically unappealing. It can cause a person’s face to look unbalanced and their facial features to appear larger than they really are, for instance, an individual’s lips and nose.
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By strengthening the chin or making it bigger or fuller looking, it is possible to correct a weak or small chin. There are a number of ways that this can be accomplished. Autologous fat grafting is one option.
Bone grafting and chin implants are others. Below, we will take a look at how autologous fat grafting can be used for this purpose.
Fat grafting involves taking the fat from one part of a person’s body and injecting it into another. Typically, the fat is taken from the lower half of the patient’s body.
The abdomen, thighs and hips are the most often harvesting sites. The fat, after being removed, is processed and then injected into whatever part of the body the patient wants. In this case, it would be the chin.
Fat grafting for the purpose of chin augmentation is a newer procedure and one that is proving to be quite promising. For years, patients have asked doctors about the possibility of transferring fat from one part of their body to another, particularly, the breasts.
Until very recently that wasn’t a possibility. Now that it is, the demand for it is growing. Patients and doctors alike appreciate the lack of invasiveness it offers as well as the ability to contour the face without the use of artificial fillers and implants. The latter two are how the procedure has most often been performed over the years.
Chin augmentation is undergone by both men and women. Anyone who has a weak or small chin may have it corrected via augmentation. Men often undergo the procedure to strengthen their chin.
A stronger looking chin is considered more masculine and more youthful. A well done augmentation can also make a huge difference in a woman’s appearance. Women typically undergo chin augmentation to correct a small or sagging chin. Strength is not generally the end goal but balance.
Any adult, as long as they are in good health, can undergo chin augmentation using autologous fat grafting. There is the assumption that the patient will have enough fat to harvest.
A younger person may have the procedure done because their chin is too small or weak. An older person may do so to fight the signs of aging in this part of the face, namely a saggy chin. Building the chin up with a natural filler such as fat can give the patient a more youthful looking face.
Autologous fat grafting for chin augmentation can be a very successful procedure if the doctor performing it does a good job. Adding just the right amount of fat will be important as will be the proper contouring of it.
Too little fat and the difference won’t be noticeable enough. Too much and the person will look heavy in the face and the end result, unnatural. Again, Chin augmentation via fat grafting when done correctly, can improve a person’s looks, giving them a more balanced and youthful appearance.
Step 1- Patient Preparation: the patient will be given general or local anesthesia and appropriate sedation. The harvesting site will numbed as well.
Step 2- Harvesting of the fat: Fat will be taken from the thighs, hips, behind the knees or abdomen.
Step 3- Processing of the fat: The fat is processed. This involves separating the fat cells from the fat fluid.
Step 4- Injection: The fat it injected into the chin.
Read more details about PRP for fat transfers.
After the procedure, the patient will be allowed to rest for a short while and then sent home. They will likely experience some pain and will be prescribed a pain reliever. After 1 to 2 days the pain should have subsided enough that the individual is able to forgo taking a prescription pain reliever and instead will find an over-the-counter pain reliever sufficient.
No strenuous activity or massaging of the chin should be done for at least a week. Swelling should have subsided after about 2 to 4 weeks. There is likely to be bruising at both the harvest and injection site. Both areas will also probably be sore.
Autologous fat grafting for chin augmentation is considered a permanent procedure. However, because there is a risk of a significant amount fat re-absorption, it may be necessary to have the procedure re-done at a later date.
The costs of an autologous fat graft chin augmentation will vary. However, on average it will typically costs between $1500 and $4000.
There are a number of complications associated with autologous fat graft chin augmentation. The harvested fat can become lumpy and hard, creating an unattractive appearance and causing a great deal of pain.
The fat injected into the chin will reabsorb some. If too much is absorbed, it may be necessary to have the procedure done again. Infection, bruising and an unattractive outcome are additional potential complications. Allergic reaction to the anesthetic is another risk.
Questions to ask your doctor
- How much experience do you have administering this procedure?
- What are your failure/success rates?
- What type of re-absorption rate should I expect?
- Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
- How much will this procedure cost?
- Does that price include re-touches?
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