PRP for Hair Transplant

Hair transplant surgery is a long term solution for men whose hair has become thin or fallen out due to male pattern baldness. Women that experience permanent hair loss or who find themselves balding in a similar fashion to men, are also good candidates for hair transplant surgery.

During a hair transplant procedure, hair from the donor area (hair from the back of the head) is inserted into the recipient site (the balding area). This transplant is effective because donor hair is resistant to Male Pattern Hair Loss. After the donor hair is inserted, it will begin to grow exactly like normal hair.

Most people begin to see satisfying results after a few months. At around one year, they should have a full head of hair. The new hair that has grown is real hair and can be treated as such. It can be cut it, colored, etc., essentially whatever a person wants to do with it, they can.

Hair plants are a great option for because beyond the initial investment, there aren’t a lot of expenses associated with it. This isn’t true for other hair growing systems which require a great deal of money for upkeep. For instance, topical solutions such as Rogaine can cost a tremendous amount of money over a person’s lifetime. Also, the results are contingent upon the continued use of the product. When a person stops using it, they will stop noticing results.

Baldness can cause people a great deal of embarrassment. A man that finds himself balding may feel less attractive and older looking than their chronological age. Others will opt to undergo hair transplant surgery in order to be more competitive at work. In some industries, younger employees have an advantage. A hair transplant may help level the playing field for some.


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While both men and women opt for hair transplant surgery, men receive the surgery most often. Male pattern baldness is very common. Men tend to go bald at a greater frequency than women and thus elect to have the surgery more often. Because men can begin to lose their hair at any age, they are also more likely to undergo hair transplant surgery. Some are even in their early twenties.

Hair transplant surgery has evolved a great deal. At one time, the results left a lot to be desired. The “plugs” were noticeable and didn’t look natural. Today, that’s not the case. It is extremely likely to achieve very natural looking results.


In recent years, hair transplant surgery has become much more affordable. At one time, surgeons would charge as much as $15 per graft. This could quickly add up, making it possible for only the well-to-do to undergo the procedure. Today, the cost of a hair transplant is much more reasonable. A graft will typically cost somewhere between $3.00 and $8.00. On average, a person can expect to pay between $5 and $6. Discounts may be available for longer sessions.

Pricing may be based on the number of grafts a man receives or the number of sessions. Individuals that aren’t able to pay the amount in full, may be able to finance their medical bill.


Step 1: The patient is given a local anesthetic to prevent the patient from feeling intense pain. It is injected into the donor area (the back of the head). The donor area is the hair which grows on back of the head. It is resistant to Male Pattern Hair Loss. The donor hair will be taken from this area and transplanted into the front of the head, where the male (or female) is experiencing baldness.

After the anesthesia has been injected, the surgeon will remove the donor strip. This takes just shy of an hour. During this part of the procedure, the patient will lay on their stomach in a table very similar to a massage table. After the strip has been removed, the doctor will close the site.

Step 2: The follicular units from the donor area are separated.

Step 3: A break may be granted after the first part of the procedure has been completed.

Step 4: The recipient site is created and the grafts are inserted. The doctor will make small incisions on the scalp to receive the donor hair. This is referred to as creating recipient sites.


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The rate of recovery will vary. It will be partly dependent on the individual, i.e., their age and how fast they heal. The amount of hair transplanted will also have an impact on recovery time. A person may experience some mild pain and numbness for a few days after their surgery. However, most men (and women) will be fine after 1 to 2 days.

Immediately following the surgery, the scalp may be pinkish or reddish in color.
There is also likely to be scabs where the grafts were inserted. The incisions should heal in about a week or two.

Right after surgery, the hair transplants can be seen by others. For this reason, many men will want to wear a hat to keep their head covered. When the new hair begins to grow, it will look natural. Many men will begin to feel comfortable to be seen in public about a week after the surgery.


Complications do sometimes occur after hair transplant surgery. Poor growth, infection and scarring are a few of the most notable. Most surgeons will prescribe their patients antibiotics to ward off potential infections risks.

Questions To Ask

1. How long have you been performing hair transplant surgery?

2. How many hair transplants have you performed?

3. Are you a member of any relevant societies?

4. What is your primary hair transplant method?

5. Do you stay current on the latest techniques?

6. May I look at a few before and after pictures?

7. Is it is possible for me to speak with any of your former patients?

8. Do you have all your pertinent licenses and accreditations?

9. How much will the procedure costs?

10. How many grafts or sessions do you think I will need?

PRP for Hair Transplant

Thinning hair and balding effect both men and women, though it affects the former at a much greater rate. Men and women who have suffered either (or both) of the aforementioned conditions, have a number of treatment options available to them. These options include hair restoration creams, sprays, and surgery. An emerging option is PRP therapy. PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy involves the use of a patient’s own blood to promote tissue regeneration and repair.

About PRP Therapy / Injections

PRP therapy is increasingly being used to promote hair growth in patients whose hair is thinning. It has proven effective for many patients, (though not all) because of the concentrated amount of platelets utilized in the treatment.

In PRP therapy, at least five times the amount of platelets found in circulating blood, is applied to the patient. This concentration of blood platelets is useful because of the bioactive proteins such as growth factors they contain. VEGF and PDGF are amongst the most notable growth factors. Studies and research have shown that these growth factors can have a positive impact on hair growth. PRP for hair transplant is believed to increase hair diameter which causes it to appear fuller and thicker.

Currently, PRP for hair transplant is considered an emerging hair restoration procedure. It is still essentially considered an experimental procedure, but one that is gaining momentum and legitimacy. The process is relatively simple and doesn’t take a significant amount of time. This treatment does not work for everyone. While it has proven to be quite effective for some people, it hasn’t for everyone. Like many other therapies or treatments, what works for some people, does not necessarily work for others.


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When a person undergoes PRP therapy for hair transplant, a small amount of blood is drawn, typically somewhere between 20 cc and 50 cc. It is placed in a centrifuge and spun down. The spinning helps to separate the blood’s components, and platelet concentrate is now created. The platelets are then removed. The part of the body where the platelets will be injected is cleaned and a topical anesthetic is applied. Some doctors will use a nerve block. The doctor performing the procedure will decide which is most appropriate. After the area has been cleaned and the anesthetic applied, the doctor will inject the platelets.

Pain & Side Effects

During the injection of the platelets, the patient shouldn’t feel any or at least much pain. There may be some initial bruising at the site of the injection(s) and some inflammation. Both should subside within 24 hours. Those people that do experience pain will often be instructed to take an over-the-counter pain reliever.

The areas of the scalp injected with blood platelets are those where the hair is thinning and/or balding. It is believed to be effective because it helps to reverse the miniaturization process. When used in conjunction with hair restoration surgery, PRP helps to speed up the rate in which the follicular unit grafts grow. The doctor may perform the PRP treatment prior to hair transplant procedure.

Depending on the doctor performing the procedure, a micro needling roller device is recommended prior to administering the PRP. This helps to provide a measure of stimulation to the scalp’s dermis. This occurs because it produces a small amount of trauma to the dermis. The aforementioned will cause the body’s growth repair cells to respond to the trauma. The additional growth factors and proteins added via PRP therapy will provide additional growth factors and healing properties. Injections can be used or a gel can be applied to the scalp.

When to Use PRP Injections

PRP therapy can be used prior, during, or following a hair transplant procedure. The doctor performing the procedure will decide which is best for the particular patient. When used for the purpose of hair growth and stimulation, it is generally recommended that patient’s receive treatment every six months.

Platelets can stimulate the growth of hair follicles by stimulating the Dermal Papilla stem cells and the hair follicles. Platelets are miniature powerhouses. They help to improve the rate of healing and regeneration of the body’s tissues. As it relates to PRP therapy, it is used to stimulate hair follicles which have just been implanted or become inactive, into an active phase of growth.

There are a number of growth factors that specifically aid the hair restoration, growth and re-growth process. They included the Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGf-b), Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF) and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2).

PRP for hair transplant can be used in conjunction with hair restoration or implantation surgery. It can also be used in lieu of it. Those who use it rather than surgery may need to undergo it every 4 to 6 months. As mentioned above, while PRP therapy has proven to be effective for many men, it has not been proven to be so for every man. Individuals need to keep this in mind before undergoing. Careful consideration should be made before a person decides to undergo it.

As an emerging procedure, there have not been a significant number of controlled studies for PRP therapy, at least for the purpose of hair growth and restoration. However, the anecdotal evidence has been fairly strong as have the few studies which have been completed.


Cost of PRP for Hair Transplant

The cost of PRP therapy will vary based on the doctor performing the procedure, the number of injections required, and whether or not the treatment is being offered as a stand-alone, or in conjunction with a hair transplant procedure. However, on average, a person will be expected to pay about $1000 dollars.

If a person undergoes PRP therapy for hair restoration instead of surgery, there are numerous advantages to doing so. The recovery time is much faster and there will be far less pain and bruising. A person that undergoes PRP therapy will typically see most of their symptoms subside within 24 hours, though for some people, it may take a little longer. Because PRP uses the body’s own blood as a form of treatment, there is no risk of the body rejecting it or an allergic reaction occurring.

PRP therapy can be quite expensive. If a physician charges $1000 per procedure and it is possible to receive this treatment every 4 to 6 months, this can quickly accumulate cost. However, it might still be the best option because it is completely natural, there are few side effects, and it uses the body’s own healing process to re-grow hair. The results are thus, extremely natural looking.

PRP Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  1. Am I a good candidate for PRP for hair transplant?
  2. Do you think that PRP therapy can help improve my thinning hair?
  3. How many treatments do you think I will need?
  4. How much does this procedure cost?
  5. What are the potential side effects?
  6. Will PRP therapy hurt?
  7. Should I undergo PRP therapy in lieu of hair transplant surgery or in conjunction with it?
  8. When will I start to see results?
  9. Will I need to get injections every 4 to 6 months forever?
  10. Do you offer a payment plan?